For authors
Dear authors, please pay attention to the following requirements:
Manuscripts are submitted to the Editorial Board of the annual in electronic form. The text is typed in Microsoft Word text Editor with the following parameters:
Font - Times New Roman,
Line spacing is 1,
Font size is 14,
All fields are 2 cm,
Alignment - in width,
Indention - 1.25 cm.
The file with the electronic version of the manuscript should have the format * .doc. The volume of the manuscript should not exceed 1.0 of the author's sheet (40 000 characters with spaces, including footnotes).
Notes in the section "Scientific Chronicle" do not exceed 0,3 of the author's sheet.
Materials for publication can be submitted in Russian or in English.
Along with the text of the article, the author's certificate is submitted, in which the following information is necessarily indicated: first name, surname and patronymic (in full form), full and short name of the organization, which is the place of work of the author (or the place of studies for postgraduate students) (name of the organization (Rus/Eng) must match the name in the Charter), position, academic degree, academic title, contact information (phone number, e-mail address). The author's full name is given both in Russian and in English.
Materials submitted for publication must contain the UDC code, as well as the following information in Russian and in English:
Abstract (200-250 words);
Keywords and phrases (up to 10 words and phrases),
Acknowledgements (optional element of the article). The author expresses his gratitude to colleagues or supervisor for help, acknowledgements to funds and institutions for their financial support of the study.
The article should contain inline bibliographic references, enclosed in square brackets, with reference to the sequence number of the work used in the list of literature, such as: [2]. If the link is to a specific piece of the text, you must specify the page on which the reference object is placed, for example: [2, p. 81]. If the reference includes several works, it is separated by semicolons inside the square brackets, for example: [4, p. 15; 5, p. 123].
References (GOST R 7.0.5-2008) under the heading "Literature" (centered) is given at the end of the article. The list of references includes no less than 10 titles, 5 of them are research papers on relevant topics, published over the past 3–5 years, with the indication of the DOI of the article or a link to it on the Internet (e.g. e-library). Publications in the list are arranged in alphabetical order, first in Russian, then in foreign languages. Then the bibliography is transliterated and translated.
Attention! The list of literature contains ONLY scientific articles and monographs. Textbooks and tutorials are not included in the references. Do not include in the list of literature dissertations and abstracts of dissertations because of their inaccessibility to the reader. Sources, federal laws, archival documents, acts, statistics, literary works are made in the form of footnotes.
When using illustrations in the text of the article, references to their sources are necessarily provided (can be formalized in the form of footnotes).
The list of abbreviations is necessarily attached to the article as a separate file:
NRH - New and recent history. M.
JHS - Journal of Hellenic Studies. L.
Affiliation of authors Full Name, organization (s), address of organization (s) (it is required to indicate all the author's work places where research was carried out (permanent place, place of project implementation, etc.)), position and academic title, ORCID ID (you need to register on the site and get a personal number ORCID in the format No. 0000-0000-0000), e-mail, phone, postal address for sending the author's copy. It is given in Russian and English.
Articles drawn up in accordance with the requirements should be sent to the e-mail:
The Editorial Board does not accept materials written with violation of the requirements.
By submitting an article, the author agrees to make editorial corrections (without distortion of meaning) (proofreading, layout), the final version of the article is agreed with the author before publication.
Please pay attention! It is not allowed to send to the Editorial Board already published articles or articles sent for publication in other journals. If a simultaneous submission of a manuscript to several publications is found, the published article will be retracted (withdrawn from the printing). Monitoring of unauthorized citation is made with the "Anti-plagiarism" systems.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to return the manuscript to the author for revision or to refuse to accept it for publication in case of inconsistency with the profile of the journal or insufficiently high scientific level. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts, figures, citations, statistics, proper names, and other information cited in the publications. ALL DISPUTE ISSUES ARE DISCUSSED IN CORRESPONDENCE, ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS SAVED.